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Restore Therapy, LLC
Our Services
Craniosacral Therapy
Gentle, light-touch therapy that resets your nervous system from a heightened, anxiety and inflammation producing state to one of rest, relaxation, and restoration. Fully-clothed clients will lay on their back amid soft light and music while the practitioner uses selected hand placements from the head (cranium) to the tailbone (sacrum) to ease fascia restrictions and correct imbalances that improve the natural rhythms of your body. Perfect for anxiety, chronic pain, neurological disorders, migraines, TMJ, autoimmune disorders, or just to unwind and relax in a way you haven't felt before.
Myofascial Release
Fascia is a continual network of connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, organ, nerve, and blood vessel that serves as a support and conduction of energy throughout the body. Over time this web can become twisted resulting in restrictions and dysfunction, contributing to a variety of diseases and symptoms. Sustained holds in various positions help release the fascia and restore normal movement patterns and fluidity to tissues.
Your lymphatic system is the main avenue of removing toxins and waste from your body, which when accumulated, can lead to sickness and dysfunction from head to toe. After pinpoint examination, your practitioner will gently release blockages in this system, and teach you how to do the same at home, to improve the outflow of this important waste removal system.
The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and is the primary control for stopping the inflammatory response in your body and activating your parasympathetic nervous system (rest, restoration, and healing response). It also controls vital organs such as the heart and every organ in your digestive system (liver, stomach, intestines, spleen, etc.). Specific techniques help restore a normal "vagal tone" that brings your body out of fight or flight mode and into one that promotes healing and restores normal funciton to every system in your body.
Deep Tissue Release
Tight and tough to reach muscles underneath layers of tissue can cause pain that ranges far from the source and contribute to abnormal movement patterns that keep you in a hard to break pain cycle. Skilled hand placements from your therapist, followed by range of motion, releases restrictive muscles. Muscle re-education follows to teach the muscle how to properly activate again. Soothing, gentle strokes calm the tissue after their hard work. Great for back, shoulder, and neck pain. This technique, however, may be applied to a wide variety of musculoskeletal issues.
Craniofascial Therapy (CFT)
The craniofascial system moves cerebrospinal fluid through the brain and spinal cord and out into the fascial network throughout the body. Physical and emotional trauma from birth to adulthood can restrict this flow resulting in pain and symptoms anywhere in the body. Gentle unwinding techniques loosen fascial restrictions and ease pain that manifests due to these restrictions.
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